
New ! Published and available on

Science Fiction is my favorite genre. A high school student is saved from bullies by a mysterious young man, an indigenous teenage warrior who was born 500 years in the past.

Armour of God / Misago

Coming January, 2025

An entirely new type of book for this author.

Close encounters of the Third Kind meets Inherit the Wind
(with a touch of gay romance).

Put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”

- Ephesians 6:11


Inspiration for Spartak

San Francisco Bay Times – June 24, 2016

What was the spark that ignited your novel?

“I was bored with endless pundits and academics prognosticating about a possible dark future for America.  I wanted to make it real, on my terms, through fiction.

“This kind of story had to be physical, visceral, uncomfortable, exciting, sexual, emotional, disturbing and thought provoking, a tale that could be read from different levels, set forty years after the collapse of the middle class. And it had to be in my town, San Francisco.”

Read the whole article here.

Nation’s First Gay Public Library Center Turns 20

San Francisco Chronicle – June 16, 2016

Twenty-five years ago, a San Francisco Public Library commissioner named Steve Coulter came up with an idea that was so far ahead of its time that he was afraid to let it out of the house. So he invited six friends over to try it out in the safety of his living room.

The radical notion was to establish “an archive that would actively seek out the history of gays and lesbians before it is all lost,” recalls Coulter, who was not yet thinking as big as his idea would become. But when the James C. Hormel Gay & Lesbian Center opened in the New Main Library five years later, on April 18, 1996, it was the first permanent gay and lesbian center in any municipal building in America.

“This was unheard of at the time,” says state Sen. Mark Leno, D-San Francisco. “The fact of it in the public library communicated to the LGBT community that we were now officially part of the civic fabric of San Francisco.”

This is an old story but a good one. It is celebrating 20 years of the Hormel Center at the SF Public Library. Now it is inching closer to 30.

Read the whole article here.
